EHX Polyrhythm - 1980s, black ink, drum machine
EHX Digital Delay rack unit - 1980s, black steel rack enclosure
an all green EHX sovtek “civil war” Big Muff
inverse colorway EHX AMBITRON - 1980’s, brown and tan inks.
EHX stereo memory man - 1980’s, yellow ink on silver, red lettering
Lyle Distortion/Sustainer - 1974 -1975
LD Heater Distortion/Sustainer - 1974-1975
Marveltone or Lyle or Wabash plug in units
inverse EHX Polyphase - black face with blue letters.
Jen PHASE pedal in EHX style wedge enclosure - white and black with red logo accent
FOXEY LADY fuzz pedals in grey or green enclosures.
EHX rams head “BJM MUFF” variant - early 1970’s, or various “violet” colors (red, black, etc).
1980’s polychorus, original run that does not say “stereo”.
Pro/Watt REVENTADOR - south american 1970s
DEVILS FUZZ - south american 1970s-1980s
GIANNANI BIG MUFF - Brazilian big muff clone
Sekova Big Muff
really any foreign pedal from the 70s or 80s that says “muff”
any information, stories, or photos of THE HALL OF SCIENCE in NYC. they hosted music events and battle of the bands there, so surely there are interior photos somewhere.
contacts of former employees, especially assemblers and people on the floor.
photos of your own bands in the 1970s-1990s using EHX products clearly in frame.
photos of your music store with potential displays of EHX products.
almost any ephemera from the 70’s and 80’s including convention swag, dealer materials, documents, etc.